1. Mac Software Update Not Working
  2. Mac Software Update Not Showing
  3. Mac Os Update Not Working

This directory contains binaries for a base distribution and packages to run on Mac OS X (release 10.6 and above). Mac OS 8.6 to 9.2 (and Mac OS X 10.1) are no longer supported but you can find the last supported release of R for these systems (which is R 1.7.1) here. Releases for old Mac OS X systems (through Mac OS X 10.5) and PowerPC Macs can be found in the old directory.

Note: CRAN does not have Mac OS X systems and cannot check these binaries for viruses.Although we take precautions when assembling binaries, please use the normal precautions with downloaded executables.

When Software Update says that your Mac is up to date, the installed version of macOS and all of its apps are also up to date. That includes Safari, Music, Photos, Books, Messages, Mail, Calendar, and FaceTime. Your Mac counts the space used by snapshots as available storage. Even so, Time Machine stores snapshots only on disks that have plenty of free space, and it automatically deletes snapshots as they age or as space is needed for other things. If you want to delete local snapshots manually, turn off Time Machine temporarily.

Package binaries for R versions older than 3.2.0 are only available from the CRAN archive so users of such versions should adjust the CRAN mirror setting (https://cran-archive.r-project.org) accordingly.

  • Open-source - don't lock yourself in! Unlike some other media players (cough, cough), Miro is not trying to run your life! Not only is Miro 100% free and open-source, it's made by a non-profit organization. You don't need to be locked down by one corporation to have a great media experience. 30 Second Video 30 Second Video.
  • Jaybird 3.0.11 Jaybird 3 supports Firebird 2.0 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11, and 15; Java 16 has not been fully tested yet. Basic Java 9 and higher compatibility is provided through the Java 8 version of the driver.

R 4.0.4 'Lost Library Book' released on 2021/02/15

Please check the SHA1 checksum of the downloaded image to ensure that it has not been tampered with or corrupted during the mirroring process. For example type
openssl sha1 R-4.0.4.pkg
in the Terminal application to print the SHA1 checksum for the R-4.0.4.pkg image. On Mac OS X 10.7 and later you can also validate the signature using
pkgutil --check-signature R-4.0.4.pkg

Latest release:

R-4.0.4.pkg (notarized and signed)
SHA1-hash: 0b2b3bc846f6ebc72a8bc0b53e6e85d600d95deb
(ca. 85MB)
R 4.0.4 binary for macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and higher, signed and notarized package. Contains R 4.0.4 framework, R.app GUI 1.74 in 64-bit for Intel Macs, Tcl/Tk 8.6.6 X11 libraries and Texinfo 6.7. The latter two components are optional and can be ommitted when choosing 'custom install', they are only needed if you want to use the tcltk R package or build package documentation from sources.

Note: the use of X11 (including tcltk) requires XQuartz to be installed since it is no longer part of OS X. Always re-install XQuartz when upgrading your macOS to a new major version. Also please do not install beta versions of XQuartz (even if offered).

This release supports Intel Macs, but it is also known to work using Rosetta2 on M1-based Macs. Native Apple silicon binary is expected for R 4.1.0 if support for Fortran sabilizes, for experimental builds and updates see mac.R-project.org.

Important: this release uses Xcode 12.4 and GNU Fortran 8.2. If you wish to compile R packages from sources, you will need to download GNU Fortran 8.2 - see the tools directory.

NEWS (for Mac GUI)News features and changes in the R.app Mac GUI
SHA1-hash: 2c791fd1fd2d8f90b0887c1f9541882200a6eab8
Sources for the R.app GUI 1.74 for Mac OS X. This file is only needed if you want to join the development of the GUI, it is not intended for regular users. Read the INSTALL file for further instructions.
Note: Previous R versions for El Capitan can be found in the el-capitan/base directory.

Binaries for legacy OS X systems:

R-3.6.3.nn.pkg (signed)
SHA1-hash: c462c9b1f9b45d778f05b8d9aa25a9123b3557c4
(ca. 77MB)
R 3.6.3 binary for OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) and higher, signed package. Contains R 3.6.3 framework, R.app GUI 1.70 in 64-bit for Intel Macs, Tcl/Tk 8.6.6 X11 libraries and Texinfo 5.2. The latter two components are optional and can be ommitted when choosing 'custom install', they are only needed if you want to use the tcltk R package or build package documentation from sources.
MD5-hash: 893ba010f303e666e19f86e4800f1fbf
SHA1-hash: 5ae71b000b15805f95f38c08c45972d51ce3d027

(ca. 71MB)
R 3.3.3 binary for Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and higher, signed package. Contains R 3.3.3 framework, R.app GUI 1.69 in 64-bit for Intel Macs, Tcl/Tk 8.6.0 X11 libraries and Texinfo 5.2. The latter two components are optional and can be ommitted when choosing 'custom install', it is only needed if you want to use the tcltk R package or build package documentation from sources.

Note: the use of X11 (including tcltk) requires XQuartz to be installed since it is no longer part of OS X. Always re-install XQuartz when upgrading your OS X to a new major version.

MD5-hash: 58fe9d01314d9cb75ff80ccfb914fd65
SHA1-hash: be6e91db12bac22a324f0cb51c7efa9063ece0d0

(ca. 68MB)
R 3.2.1 legacy binary for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) - 10.8 (Mountain Lion), signed package. Contains R 3.2.1 framework, R.app GUI 1.66 in 64-bit for Intel Macs.
This package contains the R framework, 64-bit GUI (R.app), Tcl/Tk 8.6.0 X11 libraries and Texinfop 5.2. GNU Fortran is NOT included (needed if you want to compile packages from sources that contain FORTRAN code) please see the tools directory.
NOTE: the binary support for OS X before Mavericks is being phased out, we do not expect further releases!
The new R.app Cocoa GUI has been written by Simon Urbanek and Stefano Iacus with contributions from many developers and translators world-wide, see 'About R' in the GUI.


toolsAdditional tools necessary for building R for Mac OS X:
Universal GNU Fortran compiler for Mac OS X (see R for Mac tools page for details).
baseBinaries of R builds for macOS 10.13 or higher (High Sierra)
contribBinaries of package builds for macOS 10.13 or higher (High Sierra)
el-capitanBinaries of package builds for OS X 10.11 or higher (El Capitan build)
mavericksBinaries of package builds for Mac OS X 10.9 or higher (Mavericks build)
oldPreviously released R versions for Mac OS X

You may also want to read the R FAQ and R for Mac OS X FAQ. For discussion of Mac-related topics and reporting Mac-specific bugs, please use the R-SIG-Mac mailing list.


Information, tools and most recent daily builds of the R GUI, R-patched and R-devel can be found at http://mac.R-project.org/. Please visit that page especially during beta stages to help us test the Mac OS X binaries before final release!

Package maintainers should visit CRAN check summary page to see whether their package is compatible with the current build of R for Mac OS X.

Binary libraries for dependencies not present here are available from http://mac.R-project.org/libs and corresponding sources at http://mac.R-project.org/src.


Mac Software Update Not Working

Mac Os Update Not Available

Last modified: 2021/02/15, by Simon Urbanek

What Version of Java Are You Using?

On a computer with multiple web browsers, be sure to check the Java version in every browser. I say this because multiple copies of Java can sometimes be installed with different browsers using different copies. Also, Java can be enabled in one browser and disabled in another.
Note: The portion of Java that runs programs is referred to as either the Java Run-time Environment (JRE) or the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Method 1: Ask Java

This is my favorite - straight from the horse's mouth (so to speak). The Java Run-time Environment is aware of its version and the company that authored it. So I wrote a very simple applet (the source code is on the About page) that gets this information from the JRE and displays it in a pink rectangle.

The version and vendor from the JRE

If Java is working, you will see a pink rectangle above with one line of text that says something like:

Java Version 1.8.0_25 from Oracle Corporation or
Java Version 1.7.0_67 from Oracle Corporation or
Java Version 1.6.0_45 from Sun Microsystems Inc. or
Java Version 1.6.0_33 from Apple Inc.

Version number translation: 1.6.0_34 is, in English, Java 6 Update 34
The initial '1' is ignored as is the third digit. Ask Oracle why.
RUNNING THIS APPLET: Java security has changed quite a lot over the years and running this applet has gotten much more complicated.
In part this is because the applet is unsigned. In the Bizarro world of Oracle, unsigned applets are treated as more dangerous than signed applets. This is backwards for two reasons. First, unsigned applets run in a restricted Java sandbox whereas signed applets are given unrestricted access to the system. Yes, the sandbox has been buggy and broken, but some security is better than none. Second, it shows a faith in the Certificate Authority system that is unwarranted.
February 2017: This applet will not run at all, immediately after installing Java 8 Update 121 on Windows 7. The first thing that needs to be done is to add this website as an allowed exception in the Java Control Panel, on the Security tab. Details are below. After doing so, IE11 will run the app, but only if ActiveX filtering is disabled. IE11 produces a single popup window that asks for permission to run the app. Chrome 56 won't do Java at all, it doesn't even bother with error messages. This started with Chrome 45. Likewise, Firefox 51 does not run Java. It incorrectly reports that Java is disabled. This Firefox behavior changed at the end of 2016. Version 47 of Firefox will run this applet. You first have to respond to three different popup windows asking for permission and warning of the end of the earth, but it will run. Oracle suggests that Java developers move from applets to Java Web Start.
October 2014: Java 7 Update 71 and Java 8 Update 25: The applet above can be run with Java set to the default 'high' security level. There will be assorted 'as you sure' type prompts both from Java and your web browser, but it will run. However, this site, javatester.org, needs to first be added to the 'Exception Site List' using the Java Control Panel. When adding sites to the list, you have to prefix them with HTTP colon slash slash. Java will object to HTTP but it will accept it. There is no HTTPS version of this site. Also, if you add 'javatester.org' to the list, you must then go to 'javatester.org' as 'www.javatester.org' will fail.
Because it is unsigned, this applet will not run with Java set to the 'very high' security level. January 2014: Java 7 Update 51 changed the default security rules for unsigned Java applets such as the one on this page. By default, Java no longer runs any unsigned applets. In the Java control panel, the default security level with Update 51 is 'High' which Oracle describes as 'Java applications identified by a certificate from a trusted authority will be allowed to run'. What this does not say is that unsigned applets will not run, at least not by default. If you get an error on this page that says 'Application blocked by security settings' this is probably why.
One way to run an unsigned applet is to lower the security level to 'Medium'. The other way is to add trusted websites to a new exception list that Oracle/Java maintains. This list is not to be confused with the list of trusted applets that Firefox or Chrome maintains. Yes, there are now three lists of applets that are naughty and nice. Java 7 Update 10 introduced a new checkbox that disables the use of Java in all browsers. By and large, this is a good thing, but there seems to be a failure to communicate between Java and many web browsers. As a result, all the browsers I have tried so far incorrectly report that Java is not installed when, in fact, it may be installed but this new security feature has been enabled.
As of Java 7 Update 71 and Java 8 Update 25 this is still true on Windows machines. Interestingly, if Java is disabled system-wide for use in web browsers (its on the Security) tab, both Chrome and Firefox will not even show the Java plug-in as being installed. On the flip side, Firefox 33 on Windows 7 reports that 'Browser has Java disabled' when Java is not installed.
JAVA VERSION HISTORY (Wikipedia has this too)
JAVA 8 Release History
Java 8 became the default on Windows on Oct 14, 2014. See the Java 8 FAQ
Java 8 is not officially supported on Windows XP but should work.
Oracle has a release history for Java 7 and 8 and Release notes for Java 8

I used to keep a release history here, but since Wikipedia has a release history for Java 8,
there is no need for me to continue doing my own, so I stopped maintaining it near the end of 2017.


Java on Mac Computers
Java on OS X is Bundling Crapware, Heres How to Make it Stop from How-To Geek March 17, 2015.

Mac Software Update Not Showing

The rest of this topic is a bit dated, so it has been suppressed by default.
At times Java on OS X was complicated as Java 6 came from Apple and Java 7 came from Oracle.

Mac Os Update Not Working

For many years this page had eight other methods of determining the installed version of Java.
But the page got really big, so they are no longer shown by default. But, they are still available: